Before you leave, I’d like to say a few words!

First of all, thank you so much for being a part of Emerge + Expand. It has been a pleasure having you here.

I know that Emerge + Expand isn’t for everyone and I understand there are a number of reasons why you may not be continuing. I promise this is easy – no hoops to jump through (button is at the bottom of this page!)

However, I just want to make sure it’s not for one of the following reasons…


Are you overwhelmed by the content, where to start, or what is the best next step for you?


Is it too much for your current capacity – time, energy, or money and you’d like to build a bit more of a foundation?


Are you in need of more customised, 1:1 support to get to where you want to go in your business and the group setting isn’t really working for you right now?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above, I’d love to support you in a way that works best for you!

If you’re not sure where is the best next step for you, have you had a chance to check out the “Which Phase Are You In?” Quiz or have a chat on our coaching call?

If you’re looking to build your foundations first, you might benefit from transferring to the Community Creator’s Hub for just $7/month to focus on building your tight knit community. Or the self-paced Emerge Accelerator will help you get your main offer, website, and email list up and running, if that’s what you really need right now.

If you’re looking for more customised 1:1 support, Emerge + Expand members always get first preference for my 1:1 Coaching and VIP day availability. If this sounds more like what you’re looking for, please feel free to book in a call and let’s chat about how we can work together.

mockup of Community Creator's Hub with purple banner that reads "$7/month"

Would you like to transfer to the Community Creator’s Hub for just $7/month?

Growing and nurturing your community to call in your dream clients is the #1 thing most coaches and other service based solopreneurs get stuck with. Get access to monthly templates, resources, trainings, and guest experts.

Get full set up instructions for your email system, create a simple but effective workbook and get really clear on your ideal client, your offer, and your transformation.

As well as all the workbooks, templates, and resources to make it quick and easy. Save $200 as an existing Emerge + Expand member.

Image of Katherine writing, text reads "1-on-1 coaching. Book in for a free 15 minute strategy session to see where you’re at and how I can support you."

Sometimes you just need more! I often open up spots to work with my 1:1 for 3 or 6 months (or for a special one off session or VIP day).

Let’s chat about what you need right now, where you’re at, and if I’m the right support for you. This (no obligation) call will help you get clarity no matter what you do next.

If you still wish to cancel

That’s no worries at all! You will still get access to the Cozy Business Common Room and anything you have purchased separately. 

cream patterned background with Emerge and Expand logo, mockup of slides, workbooks, templates, text reads $49/month at the bottom of image