Set Up Your Website and  Email List in 6 Weeks To Be Ready For Clients

Stop feeling stuck in frustration and overwhelm trying to get everything up and running

Instead, learn how to set up a quick and easy website, get clear and confident with your message, create a signature offer that really helps your people, and all the moving pieces in place to start growing your email list and building an engaged community.

7 Day Refund Guarantee


You are tired of…


Sitting at the computer for hours, having to Google every step of your tech set up because it feels like it's in another language.


Scrolling social media and feeling like you're so behind compared to everyone else.


Feeling so overwhelmed building your website that you've been distracting yourself with other tasks and refusing to look at it.


Wondering how you're ever going to get clients, and what you would even do if someone wanted to work with you because you don't have anything set up.

Now you’re looking for a faster way to get your business up and running without it costing a fortune in time or money.


You want to launch your business and start working with your dream clients, so…

You thought about just paying someone else to set it up...

👉 BUT you’re not ready to invest thousands of dollars in professional branding, an expensive website, and a graphic designer when you haven’t made a cent yet from your business.

That's why you thought about doing it all yourself...

👉 BUT there are so many different options, so many things you have to sign up and pay for, and you don’t even really know what you need to get started and what can wait for later.

You even thought about working with a business coach like me...

👉 BUT you know that most coaches specialise in strategies for after you’ve got the basics sorted, so it feels like a waste of time and money when you still have to do everything yourself anyway.


You’re ready to move past this phase and feel like a real pro, right?


Here’s a bold question for you

What if you could stop feeling frustrated and behind in your business and, instead, get clarity on your message and offer, get your website and email list up and running quickly, and finally be ready for paying clients?

Sounds too good to be true? Keep reading and I’ll show you exactly how!


I’ve been doing this for a while (9 years!) and as well as being an award-winning business coach and (previous) trainer for life coaches, I launched my business and started working with clients before I even finished my certification.

And after working with 100s of coaches, healers, and other service based solopreneurs over the years, I’ve seen that the longer time passes between deciding to start a business and getting that first paying client can be the difference between creating a successful business and burning out before even starting.

I’ll be honest with you

Getting to this point wasn’t easy

I already had a website set up and was regularly blogging before I became a coach and I still got overwhelmed and burnt out enough to walk away from my business for three years 🙅‍♀️

👉 There are so many things to think about when you’re starting out, on top of the fear of failure and putting yourself out there. Not to mention the online business world pretty much telling you that you should be able to do your training, launch your business, and make six figures in your first six months.

It’s a lot.

And nobody even talks about all the behind-the-scenes pieces you need to figure out to get up and running. You might be a coach, a healer, or a writer, but – overnight – you become your business’s copywriter, sales person, graphic designer, social media manager, admin and finance person.

But, little by little, it IS possible 🐢

And, with time, your skills and your business will evolve and grow. You just have to start somewhere.

Image of different versions of my websites over the years

I was lucky…

When I started my business, I’d already been blogging and managing my own website for a couple of years. For free.

I had time to learn how to build a website, make mistakes, get into a flow with creating content and setting up my email list way before I ever thought about turning my passion into a business.

But, these days, most people decide to start a business and have to start everything from scratch at the same time.

Nobody told you that there would be so many things you need to set up and think about just to get started (before even thinking about where to get clients from)

And for this reason, I see so many people drag their feet for years to launch their business, or quit before they’ve even started.

Over the years I’ve thought about how to best support people to get their business foundations sorted…

I've offered one-on-one coaching to new business owners, but it can take a whole coaching series for them to get their messaging worked out, which means they're finishing working with me right when I can help them the most.

I ran a 6-week workshop series, which people really enjoyed but still struggled to take action even though they had all the information.

I have my two memberships where people can get support and feedback, but it's a bit more 'choose your own adventure'.

I told myself: There must be a better way to support people to get their business up and running quickly, affordably, and without all the overwhelm and tech headaches.


And that’s when it hit me!

A dedicated, hands-on group program with a very specific focus on the 3 key business foundations to get you started.

And this time, I’ve got all the moving pieces to help you get there with ease:


A clear focus on the 3 major foundations of your business - your website, offer, and email list.


A simple, done-for-you tech set up to get you started, that you can evolve and upgrade as your business grows.


The support and feedback of a high-end group or 1:1 program without the price tag of one


Ongoing support once you're up and running to map out the next stages of your business.


The best thing?

You get my support to get your foundations set up so that you can put your energy back where it really matters……


to show up and support your clients with the work that you do 🥰

Wouldn’t you love to move past the ‘set up’ phase and get on with your business?

So how does it work exactly?


All it takes are

3 Simple Steps

To get your business client-ready

Step 1: Craft Your Signature Offer

👉 Start with the basics and get your core offer mapped out, launched, and bringing in clients, knowing that you will add more offers to your offer suite with time.

Step 2: Launch Your Basic Website

👉 Get your main website pages in place, publish it, and start getting paid as you figure it out, knowing that your online presence will evolve and upgrade as you do.

Step 3: Kickstart Your Email List

👉 Choose the perfect free optin offer, set up all the tech to deliver and nurture your new subscribers, and it’s done! You can move on with your life.


Welcome to the…

Text reads "Emerge Business Accelerator"

The plug-and-play business solution for service-based solopreneurs who want to create an aligned signature offer, build their website, and start growing their email list in just 6 weeks.

7 Day Refund Guarantee

Mock up of deliverables from phase 1 of program

Phase 1

Craft Your Signature Offer



How to map out your core offer so it's aligned with your message and transformation.


A simple framework for your sales page, so that it speaks clearly to your dream clients.


The exact onboarding workflow I use with new clients.


Plus live feedback every step of the way to create the most aligned offer for you (and your clients)

Mock up of deliverables from phase 1 of program

Phase 2




The 3 most important pages to start with and what to put on them.


Templates and guides to write your website copy.


An easy-peasy template to get your site live quickly.


Plus accountability, implementation, and tech help in a private community

Mock up of deliverables from phase 1 of program

Phase 3




The steps to creating a free opt in gift that connects.


Tech set up to deliver your freebie, nurture your subscribers, and keep in touch with them.


How to keep people engaged and welcome them to your list.


Plus Canva and copy templates to get it done quickly.

Join now and you’ll get instant access to:


All 9 Lessons ($2000)


The Compelling Offer Playbook ($27)


The Client Journey Cheatsheet ($17)


The Onboarding checklist ($17)


Software and Tech Toolkit ($17)


Branding board template ($9)


About Page Magic Workbook ($27)


Canva website templates ($97)


Website checklist ($9)


Strategic Freebie Ideas List ($7)


Freebie Offer Canva Templates ($47)


Over the shoulder email list and campaign setup ($197)


Welcome email nurture sequence templates ($47)


Monthly email template to send to subscribers ($17)

Total Value = $1999

Today’s Price = Only $555


1 payment of US$555

7 Day Refund Guarantee



7 Day Refund Guarantee


But wait – there’s more!

Action Taker Bonuses

Master Your Message Training Mockup

Master Your Message


3 mini trainings to get clarity on your message


With clarity comes confidence to share with ease


Plus a workbook to guide you each step of the way

Master Your Message Training Mockup

Dream Client Connector


Stop trying to guess what your dream clients need with this easy peasy process


Get the scripts and templates to get the answers you need


Plus how to create magnetic content with a special guide.

Plus, for a limited time…

Master Your Message Training Mockup

12 Months in the Emerge + Expand Membership

(valued at US$588)


Never leave a business buddy behind! If you don't get everything done, you'll still get ongoing support and in Emerge + Expand after the live program ends.


This includes bi-monthly coaching calls, weekly co-working and a private, off-Facebook community.


Get an all access pass to all the resources, trainings, tools, and templates in Emerge + Expand for 3 months.


Connect with like minded folks and get testimonials for your new signature offer!

Total Value Including Bonuses = $3294

Today’s Price = Only $555

7 Day Refund Guarantee

What members say

Testimonials from my clients

Frequently asked questions

Q: I’m brand new, is this for me?
A: Yes, the Accelerator was born out of seeing many new coaches, healers, and other solopreneurs struggle once they get their certification or decide to start a business. This is designed for you!

Q: I’ve had my business for a while, will I still find value in this?
A: Yes, especially if you’re in a transition phase (you’re changing direction, niche, or you’re moving into a new phase in your business), or your website, offer, and copy are in need of a refresh or update.

Q: How much support is included?
A: This is a self paced course. But you get 12 months of bi-weekly calls, feedback, coworking, and written support in Emerge + Expand.

Q: When will I get access to the content??
A: Immediately.

Q: I am not tech-savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?
A: This is very beginner and budget-friendly and there are plenty of options available to help you where you’re at. I do recommend being open to learning new things because there is a little tech involved.

Q: Is there an option to get 1:1 support instead?
A: Please book in a call with me here about working together 1:1

Q: Is there a payment plan?
A: Yes! You can pay upfront or in 2 x instalments of $255.

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: Yes, there is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

Are you ready to stop thinking about getting your business up and running and doing it?

7 Day Refund Guarantee

Text reads "Emerge Business Accelerator"

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