Coaches and Service-Based Solopreneurs trying to cut through the online noise

Grow and Nurture A Community of  Dream Clients Without The Empire-Building Pressure

Mockup of resources, tools, trainings, plants, candles, computers

JOIN THE Community Hub For Solopreneurs and build deep and meaningful connections, credibility, and community for sustainable business success.


Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.


Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.


Get Instant Access To

Everything you need to create a thriving community as a coach or service-based solopreneur

Coaching and Training

Tools and Templates

Close Knit Community

Most coaches charge anywhere from $97 to $497
per month for this kind of value.

But I wanted to create accessible and affordable support and strategy for just $7/month.

Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.

There are SO many ways to build a business these days, it’s hard to keep up.

And, the truth is, no matter what business model, platform, or methodology, you’ll be able to find people who have had huge success (and many who have not).

After 10+ years in the online business and coaching space, I have seen it all. The trends come and go but one thing remains the same.

“How do I get clients?”

On the way to finding answers, you’ve probably already tried: 


Posting to get clients on Instagram, but it feels like shouting into the void.


Starting a free Facebook group and half heartedly showing for the 12 members who don't even see your stuff


Procrastinating filming videos because you've been told it’s the "only way to be successful", but you freeze up every time you hit record.


Signing up to all those freebies and bundles, hoping they will help, but they end up collecting dust on your digital bookshelf.


Jumping from certification to certification hoping that if you feel qualified enough, you’ll start being able to make some money.

You didn’t get into business to become an influencer or content creator, you just want to get back to doing what you love… working with your dream clients


There are SO many ways to build a business these days, it’s hard to keep up.

And, the truth is, no matter what business model, platform, or methodology, you’ll be able to find people who have had huge success (and many who have not).

After 10+ years in the online business and coaching space, I have seen it all. The trends come and go but one thing remains the same.

“How do I get clients?”

On the way to finding answers, you’ve probably already tried:


Posting to get clients on Instagram, but it feels like shouting into the void.


Starting a free Facebook group and half heartedly showing for the 12 members who don't even see your stuff


Procrastinating filming videos because you've been told it’s the "only way to be successful", but you freeze up every time you hit record.


Signing up to all those freebies and bundles, hoping they will help, but they end up collecting dust on your digital bookshelf.


Jumping from certification to certification hoping that if you feel qualified enough, you’ll start being able to make some money.

You didn’t get into business to become an influencer or content creator, you just want to get back to doing what you love… working with your dream clients


What if it was possible to build a tight knit community with dream clients ready and waiting to work with you?

When you focus on community, over fans and followers, you:

Connect with people who truly believe in what you do and love hearing from you.

Share your work, but also empower others to connect and share with each other, so it's not just about you.

Have people ready and waiting for your offer right in front of you, instead of posting and praying on social media.

Create an ecosystem of content and offers by engaging and getting feedback from your community, so you never run out of ideas.

Focus less on the external, noisy world and more on showing up for your inner circle (which makes them want to stick around)

No longer have to worry about where your next client or money is coming from.

Don't feel salesy or sleazy because your offers are exactly what your community have told you that they want.


What if it was possible to build a tight knit community with dream clients ready and waiting to work with you?

When you focus on community, over fans and followers, you:

Connect with people who truly believe in what you do and love hearing from you.

Share your work, but also empower others to connect and share with each other, so it's not just about you.

Have people ready and waiting for your offer right in front of you, instead of posting and praying on social media.

Create an ecosystem of content and offers by engaging and getting feedback from your community, so you never run out of ideas.

Focus less on the external, noisy world and more on showing up for your inner circle (which makes them want to stick around)

No longer have to worry about where your next client or money is coming from.

Don't feel salesy or sleazy because your offers are exactly what your community have told you that they want.


Katherine Mackenzie-Smith

Founder and Coach

Hi, I’m Katherine. Multi-award winning coach (including International Coach of the Year 2023) and champion of cozy business owners doing success on their own terms (without the empire-building pressure).

After 10+ years working with 1000s of coaches and service-based solopreneurs, I’ve discovered the secret to sustainable success and gentle business growth.

And I want that for you too.

But it hasn’t been a straight forward path. As a multipassionate, neurodivergent lifetime lover of learning, I’ve loved every second of it.

But back when I first started my business, I would get so confused by all the sales tactics and shiny things – constantly jumping from one thing to another.

I had no idea what I should be doing to take care of myself (or what my goals were outside of the popular “6 figures in 6 months” and “scaling fast” – no wonder I completely burnt out just 2 years into my business.

When I stepped back for 3 years to help my partner start up his fitness studio businesses, I realised quickly how much I had gotten wrong the first time. And, when I returned to my business, I made sure to put MY needs, strengths, and energy first and find strategies and systems to support me.

Everything changed… but I discovered something new.

 When I started operating my business from this new, aligned place, I started to attract the dreamiest clients.

They had similar goals, values, mindsets, and challenges to me – we were kindred spirits, just at different parts of our journey.

As one-on-one and group coaching clients, they were getting life-changing results such as their first paying clients, one going from 400-40,000 followers in a few months, and others hitting their highest ever income months.

But the feedback and testimonials I was getting from them did not include ANY of these wins we’re used to seeing all over the online business space.

Instead, I was getting:

“I feel so safe and seen in your community.”

“I have never been so energised and comfortable as I am in your space.”

“My VA said I was the kindest and most generous person they’ve ever worked for.”

“I finally feel like it’s okay for me to rest and slow down.”

I was so confused. Until I realised that these were things that *I* also valued more than the traditional success metrics and KPIs (not that they aren’t great as well). 


I wanted to figure out how to make community and connection central to my business.

Then, last year, I had 2 major realisations…

Realisation #1: Big audience does not equal successful business.

I witnessed coaches and other online business owners churning through clients, focusing on sales and then abandoning people once they got inside.

I also noticed Tiktok creators and influencers, amassing huge audiences and then not being able to get $10 from them for a creative project or offer.

And I saw small service based solopreneurs keep struggling to find the balance between not wanting to feel salesy, and then getting desperate and trying to sell an offer or service without building a community of engaged people who were ready for it.

I knew there had to be a better way for cozy solopreneurs who want to build a sustainable business without burning out.

I wanted to show others it is possible first was to build a 6-figure business (or whatever ‘success’ feels like for you) with just a small community using the 1000 (or 100) True Fans Theory. 

Realisation #2: Community is going to be more important than ever with the rise of AI generated content creating more noise online.

Most solopreneurs are still focused on Instagram as their sales, marketing, and content strategy. But I could see with the rise of AI-generated content, community is about to become more important than EVER.

Imagine, no more fighting the AI-algorithm and the AI-created content, and instead creating an oasis of likeminded souls to come together and connect – who are also the most likely to become your dream clients.

No more posting and praying that someone will magically see your Instagram post in 2024 and decide to work with you – a complete stranger.

Instead, you get to hang out in a community you love where all your favourite people already are.

And that’s when I realised, this was what coaches and other service-based solopreneurs were going to need in 2024.

A community growth and nurture plan to build their own 1000 (or 100) true fans.

I’ve already been doing this for the past 5 years and now I’m going to share all my knowledge, strategies, and systems with you. PLUS I’m going to be documenting my own journey so you’ll get up-to-date insights as the online landscape is rapidly changing.

Imagine a business where you:


Don't have to stress about building a huge following or going viral all the time to get clients.


Create a feedback loop between you and your community, so you know exactly what offers and content they need.


Jump off the hamster wheel of content creation and jumping from trend to trend or program to program and spend your time focusing on your community.


Can put out an idea or an offer and people are excitedly waiting for it.


Are excited to show up for your business because you finally don't feel like you're just yelling into the void any more.


No longer stress about what "everybody else" is doing because you've created something that is perfect just for you and your people.

The best thing?

You won’t be competing with all the AI generated content because the one thing AI can’t do (and it can do a lot), is grow and nurture a community.

Plus, almost all my 1:1 clients and members come from my existing community and know me and what I’m about, whether I post on social media or not.


What if this year was the year that you committed to building your own inner circle of dream clients?


All it takes are

3 Simple Steps


Plan and Prepare - Your Community Foundations

Invite and Engage - Your Dream Guests

Share and Grow - From the Inside, Out


The Cozy Community


Grow and nurture your first 100 “true fans” (aka your likeminded community and dream clients), showcase your expertise, share with people what it’s like to work with you, then make aligned invitations for them to take the next step with you, with confidence and ease.

Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.



You get everything you need to get your community up and running. Invite, engage and delight your dream guests, and create an environment of support, value, and aligned invitations to take the next step to work with you.

You’ll get instant access to:


9 bite-sized modules that provide you with a step-by-step community strategy to make your own.


Including all the worksheets, templates, and tools you need to create and grow your own space.


An ever-growing resource library with planners, workbooks, templates, and graphics to make maintenance a breeze.


Access to the Cozy Business Common Room to see community nurture strategies in real time, get support and accountability, opportunities to share your work, and connect with likeminded souls.


Feedback on your offers, worksheets, strategy, ideas in the community and a private Q+A portal.


2 live Q+A sessions every month


New trainings, templates, planners, and tools each month.


A private podcast feed to catch up on the go.

Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.

Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.

Phase 1

In Phase 1, we’ll lay the groundwork for your dream community, crafting a clear mission, vision, and an action plan tailored to your unique goals.

Armed with comprehensive templates and resources, you’ll bring your community vision to life, or update and breathe new life into an existing community, set up the foundations, and bring it into alignment with your existing business and offers.



Define the vision, mission, and values of your dream community.


Outline community goals, objectives, and create an easy-to-implement action plan.


Choose the right platform, create cohesive branding with your business and offers, and set up your community.

Phase 2

Once your community is up and running, it’s time to invite in people from your existing network, start building engagement and connections, and set up your community with ongoing content, opportunities, and different ways to engage with your people.

You’ll have plenty of templates and tools to automate and create for your community with ease.



Inviting your first community members (and favourite people) in and how to surprise and delight them so they stay.


The power of collaboration to build long lasting relationships, be seen by dream clients, and have people leaping to join.


How to create content that engages, delights, and empowers your people.

Phase 3

By this stage, you’re investing time and energy into growing and nurturing your tight knit community. 

Now it’s time to focus on creating offers they will jump at, making easy invitations, and creating sustainable growth that supports you.

You’ll be sharing from the inside out, to make your content and marketing a breeze and effortlessly bringing new clients into your world.



Strategies to form a feedback loop between you and your community so you always have content and offer ideas on hand


How to invite and incentivise your people to share your work and showcase why others should join.


Finding the balance between growth, nurturing your existing community, and taking care of yourself.

Get instant access to

All of these resources

Mockup of Dream community Blueprint workbook with the words "27 page planner - Dream Community Blueprint"
Mockup ipad with "platform cheatsheet" cover, 2 pages behind with writing. Text reads "Training and Guide - Platform Cheatsheet"
Mock up computer with content calendar, social media post templates behind, coffee mug and plant. Text reads "Monthly Posts - Community Post Templates"
Mockup of 3 Engagement prompt cards with coffee and the text "30 prompt Cards - Engagement prompt cards"
iPad with Affiliate guide on it, pen next to ipad, pink leaves behind. Text reads"Editable document - Affiliates Guide Template"




Because community isn't transactional


Collaborate with likeminded souls


Weekly accountability and promo


Motivation and strategy tips


Monthly Q+A and Private Podcast


Live Monthly Q&A


Expert Guests


Community Coaching


Private Podcast to Listen on the Go


I already bought so many things that didn’t help me and why do I need the Community Creator’s Hub?


I understand. We’ve all spent probably more dollars that we can count on programs and courses that sit and collect dust on the shelf, communities where we’re just a face in a crowd, and strategies that aren’t right for us, no matter how hard we try. 

I get it. But for less than a fancy coffee a month, let me share with you the power of an intimate and engaged community and what it can do for your business. 


I see so many talented and wonderful people with incredible businesses waste precious time and energy on social media (when they actually hate it).

Imagine creating a space online that you LOVE to spend time in, building deep and meaningful connections with a small group of people.


Instead of rushing to send an email out when you've got something to launch (and getting crickets in return)

Imagine sharing your ideas, listening to your tight knit community and creating offers they are excitedly asking you for and ready to buy as soon as you launch.


What if you could stop focusing on going viral, building a huge audience, or jumping from trend to trend.

Imagine shutting out the noise of the social media space, having a plan for your community, and then creating a cozy and inviting environment of your favourite people to hang out with.


Join Today For Only $7

Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.


Community Creator’s Hub is For

2 Types of Solopreneurs

New Coaches and Service-Based Business Owners

Cutting through the noise and building a following on a social media platform in 2024 is HARD (not impossible though). Starting your brand new business by focusing on quality over quantity, building a tight knit community and focusing your energy on them is going to set you up for success from the get go.

Established Coaches and Service-Based Business Owners

The online business landscape is changing SO rapidly with new platforms popping up and the onslaught of AI-generated content. Ditch the hustle and grind of external facing marketing and build a community of people who are excited for your next offer, invested in your mission, and share your work with everyone they meet.

Total Value = $660

Today’s Price = Only $7

Yes! I want a cozy community!

Just US$7/month. Cancel anytime.

Community Feedback

Frequently asked questions

 Q: I am new to business and I’m just getting started. Will this still work for me?
A: Absolutely! I wish that someone had taught me the value of building an engaged and tight knit community from the start. You will get offer and content ideas from your community that will only serve you as you grow your business!

Q: I’ve had a business (and a community) for a while. Will I still find value?
A: Yes,  the hub will take a lot of the guess work, trial and error, and never-ending content creation and marketing and make it SO easy for you to grow and add even more to your existing business and community. 

Q: Can I wait and buy this later?
A: Yes, there are monthly drops that are usually only available for the month so if there’s something specific you’re looking for, just know that’s the case!

Q: Does this only work for business coaches?
A: No, this works for anyone who wants to create something more than a transactional relationship – it’s not just for coaches.

Q: I don’t have an offer yet. Will this still work for me?
A: Yes! I wish more people were thinking about their community before they even consider selling anything. It’s the best way to build meaningful connections and actually create offers your people want.

Q: I don’t have an audience or community yet, is that a problem?
A: Not at all. The whole point of this program is to build a small group of engaged people who resonate with your mission and want to be a part of it. This is exactly what we’re going to help you with.

Q: I don’t like Facebook, is this required to participate and implement?
A: No. The community is a customer-only group that you get lifetime access to (even if you cancel your membership) but there are off social media connections including a private messaging feed, private podcast, and Q+A. In module one, we cover different community options, you don’t have to build your community on social media if you don’t want to.

Q: I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?
A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don’t need to be good with tech or buy any software.

Q: When will I get access?
A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase to login and join the community.

Q: Can I cancel my membership?
A: Yes, you can cancel any time.

Frequently asked questions

 Q: I am new to business and I’m just getting started. Will this still work for me?
A: Absolutely! I wish that someone had taught me the value of building an engaged and tight knit community from the start. You will get offer and content ideas from your community that will only serve you as you grow your business!

Q: I’ve had a business (and a community) for a while. Will I still find value?
A: Yes,  the hub will take a lot of the guess work, trial and error, and never-ending content creation and marketing and make it SO easy for you to grow and add even more to your existing business and community. 

Q: Can I wait and buy this later?
A: Yes, there are monthly drops that are usually only available for the month so if there’s something specific you’re looking for, just know that’s the case!

Q: Does this only work for business coaches?
A: No, this works for anyone who wants to create something more than a transactional relationship – it’s not just for coaches.

Q: I don’t have an offer yet. Will this still work for me?
A: Yes! I wish more people were thinking about their community before they even consider selling anything. It’s the best way to build meaningful connections and actually create offers your people want.

Q: I don’t have an audience or community yet, is that a problem?
A: Not at all. The whole point of this program is to build a small group of engaged people who resonate with your mission and want to be a part of it. This is exactly what we’re going to help you with.

Q: I don’t like Facebook, is this required to participate and implement?
A: No. The community is a customer-only group that you get lifetime access to (even if you cancel your membership) but there are off social media connections including a private messaging feed, private podcast, and Q+A. In module one, we cover different community options, you don’t have to build your community on social media if you don’t want to.

Q: I am not tech savvy. Do I need a bunch of tools to make this work?
A: No, this is very beginner and budget-friendly and you don’t need to be good with tech or buy any software.

Q: When will I get access?
A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase to login and join the community.

Q: Can I cancel my membership?
A: Yes, you can cancel any time.

gold seal with black writing "100% money back guarantee"

Money Back Guarantee

 Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! I want you to feel confident in your decision, make sure you’re in the right place for you, and I believe so much in this training and the value of this membership that I offer a 7-day, no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

LOgo reads "community creator's hub" with black stars

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