Say hello to a thriving introvert-friendly business that supports your strengths.

Instead of just wishing you were more extroverted.


One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee


Are you tired of feeling like you have to follow the same old advice to create success, even though it doesn’t feel right to you as an introvert?


You’ve been told to build a free Facebook group and fill it with people (but the idea of constantly being in a large group drains you)


Go live as often as possible (but the thought of putting yourself out there like that gives you serious anxiety)


Do reels, stories, carousels, and lives on Instagram - and sell your offer in the DMs (but that just doesn’t feel like you)


Launch a high end group program as fast as possible, or you’ll never make money (but you know that kind of pressure isn't good for your unique introverted energy)


Always be launching (ew, just ew)


Send 3-5 emails to your list a week with offers to work with you (but that feels spammy)

Or you could use a framework specifically designed for introverts, to create an aligned business that supports your unique strengths and allows you to shine.


You set boundaries around your work so that you don't feel guilty for taking time off to recharge your introverted energy


You attract your dream clients who appreciate your introverted strengths and are excited to work with you just as you are .


You feel energised by your work because you're designing your business around what works for you, not what you think you "should" be doing.


You create a schedule that includes plenty of rest and downtime, without feeling like you're sacrificing your productivity or success .


You only say yes to opportunities that feel truly aligned with your values and vision, instead of trying to do everything or get the FOMO.


You feel like you're making a deep and meaningful impact with the work that you do, without having to be "on" all the time.


You set boundaries around your work so that you don't feel guilty for taking time off to recharge your introverted energy


You attract your dream clients who appreciate your introverted strengths and are excited to work with you just as you are .


You feel energised by your work because you're designing your business around what works for you, not what you think you "should" be doing.


You create a schedule that includes plenty of rest and downtime, without feeling like you're sacrificing your productivity or success .


You only say yes to opportunities that feel truly aligned with your values and vision, instead of trying to do everything or get the FOMO.


You feel like you're making a deep and meaningful impact with the work that you do, without having to be "on" all the time.

Let me show you that it’s possible


The online business world is noisy and I know how it feels to want to just run away and hide.

But I’m not just telling you that it’s possible to build an introvert-friendly business…

I’m going to show you how.

I know because

I’ve been where you are…

I started my coaching business and I did all the things I thought I was ‘supposed’ to do. I did all the courses, tried all the extroverted strategies, I had the booked out client list and waitlist, I launched my own course.

On the surface, I was successful. But, just like in my career, I ended up burnt out and walked away from my business for 3 years

I didn't understand my introverted energy - so I took on all my client's problems and worries and felt exhausted by the end of the day.

I started to hate my business because I was just doing what I was told instead of trusting my inner guidance system.

I felt overwhelmed trying to follow all the different... and I felt like a failure every time they didn't work for me like they did for others.

I realised I needed to create boundaries, systems, and strategies that would support ME as an introvert first.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean that you can’t speak on stage, do sales calls and be booked out with clients, show up on live video, and have a successful business.

But you do need to think differently about what works for you.

I came back to my business with new boundaries to protect my energy, daily routines so I don’t get burnt out, and a whole new approach to selling, success, and strategy so I can best support my clients and make a meaningful impact.

It’s helped me stay focused on my goals, get less distracted and overwhelmed by the noise.

Not to mention, I doubled my business, got my first paid speaking gig, and was recently named International Coach of the Year 2022-23!!

Beautiful You Coaching Academy graphic. Photo of Katherine with the text Beautiful You International Coach of the Year 2022-2023 Katherine Mackenzie-Smith

And now I want to support you to do the same.

It’s just three simple steps…

Brown circle with number 1

Understand Your Inner World

Before you dive into another system, strategy, or success formula – take time to discover your own unique strengths, energy signature, and big vision so you know how you work best and what you’re working towards.

Brown circle with number 2

Find Aligned Systems & Strategies

Once you understand your own needs, implement a schedule, business boundaries, offers, and systems and strategies that support your introverted nature instead of trying to shoe horn yourself into someone else’s strategy.

brown circle with number 2

Be Seen & Heard In Your Own Way

Create your introvert-friendly marketing plan to build your community of dream clients, invite people to work with you, and build deep and meaningful relationships that help you grow your business in a gentle and sustainable way.


Logo: Secret Introvert's Business

Understand your introverted energy and unique strengths, implement strategies and systems that support you as a quiet leader, and invite clients to work with you in a meaningful way.

Bite-sized content so you don’t feel overwhelmed, resources and templates to make live easier, and no pressure to move at any pace but the one that suits you best. Just $67

One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee


When You Join Secret Introvert’s Business…

You’ll get instant, lifetime access to:


9 bite-sized, self-paced modules

Go on a deep dive into your own strengths and energy and choose your own adventure to create a business that feels aligned for YOU.


Workbooks and planners

to support your inner exploration, setting the foundations of your business, and creating (and selling) offers that will attract your dream clients.


Access to the Cozy Business Common Room where you'll get to connect, collaborate, and have D+M's with likeminded souls


Templates so you don't have to start everything from scratch

Valued at over $660. Yours for a one-time payment of just $67

text reads "here's a sneak peek of what's inside"
Master Your Message Training Mockup
Social Profiel Planner Mockup and Spreadsheet
Creating a Valuable Freebie Mockup Image
Mockup of content calendar and social media templates


Energy To Show Up Toolkit


Gentle Energy Affirmation Deck


Energy Gathering Visualisation


Energy Rituals For Working With People


Energise Your Dream Life Journal


Energy Tracker

Graphic example of previous monthly trainings


Life Time Access To The Cozy Business Common Room


Monthly Live Q+A


Support in a private community


Collaboration Opportunities


Accountability and Support

The Secret Introvert’s Business Hub is for

2 Types of Introverted Entrepreneurs

The Newbie Introvertpreneur

If you’re a new coach or other service-based solopreneur, already starting to feel flustered and overwhelmed by how much you have to do to feel successful…  start the right way but creating the business of your dreams that supports your quiet energy and strengths.

The Established Introvert

Been in business for a while and feeling on the brink of burnout? Let’s get back to you by reconnecting with your big vision and goals, investigating what’s working and refine what’s holding you back from your own introvert-friendly business. 

I am so convinced of the method and tools shared in this program because they helped me to embrace my introversion and create the business of my dreams

One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee

Text reads: What people are saying


what if you got just one dream

client this month?

 I love celebrating the gentle wins of the introverts in this program…

But I also love that you can fund Secret Introvert’s Business with just 1 additional client session this month.

Do you think that the training, templates &
community momentum can energise you to get one more client?

One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee


You don’t need to go live, send cold DMs, or the next hyped up extrovert tactics for $1000s to build a successful introvert-friendly business 

One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee

I’ve already spent so much money on programs that didn’t help me, how is Secret Introvert’s Business any different?

I get it. If those haven’t helped you, how is a $67 program going to help?


Understanding and embracing your introverted energy and creating an abundant business that supports you to show up as your best is a game changing experience.


The online business arena is wild right now and we’ve been conditioned to believe that high ticket is the only way… (hands up if you’ve also paid thousands of dollars to feel completely ignored and the leader of the program has no idea who you even are?)


This is not a gimmick to get you in and then sell you a high ticket offer. Not many people talk about how many expenses are involved in starting an online business, especially when you are looking for a coach and business strategy. I want you to be able to get support at an affordable and accessible price so you’re not scrambling each month to cover your expenses.


I’ve still never come across a program that puts the participant and their needs, strengths, and energy ahead of any strategies or systems. Of course they are important, but no strategy is going to work if it’s not aligned for you.


This isn’t a one-size-fits-all method for success but a deeper exploration of your own personal energy flow and leadership with a framework to take the guessing and procrastinating out of it.


The community is here for you as much or as little as you need. This isn’t about showing up a certain way, but your way, and getting the support and connection that best serves you. Even if that looks different to others.


This will help you strengthen your inner world, set boundaries and foundations for the business you want to create AND navigate your visibility as you step into the world to share your work and connect with the people who just get you (yep, no more pretending)

One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee


I swear by the things I share in Secret Introvert’s Business because they’re what took me from a burnt out coach to feeling aligned, energised, and doubling my business and I want the same for you! 

You’ve heard the tale of the tortoise and the hare right?

Slow and steady wins the race.

You don’t need to rush or hustle your way to a business that you love, be on social media all day, or “always be selling” to become a successful coach or course creator with a thriving business.

In fact… it’s the total opposite!

With an understanding of your strengths and energy, you’ll fine tune your inner guidance and build a framework of systems, offers, and content that supports you first and attracts people who are an amazing fit and crave your services, courses and digital products.

One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee

Text reads: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I’m just starting out in my business, will this work for me?

A: Yes, this is perfect to set a strong foundation from the start.

Q: What’s the catch? How is all this just $67?

A: I get it, there’s a lot to be cautious about when joining lower priced offers (like that you’ll be hounded to join a high end program) but you can absolutely get great results just from this low ticket, high value program.

Q: Can I join any time?

A: Yes! Secret Introvert’s Business is a self-study, self-paced program. It is currently on offer at the early bird price. The most important thing is that you do what’s right for you.

Q: Is this only suitable for business coaches?

A: No! We have a lot of coaches in the community, but we also have energy healers, writers, virtual assistants, and other service-based solopreneurs.  

Q: When will I get access?

A: Immediately after your purchase you will get portal access via email, and will get access to our inner circle group within 24 hours.

Q: I’m not sure if I’m an introvert but this feels aligned, can I still join?

A: Of course! If this resonates, I am certain you will get something out of it. And, if not, you have 7 days to get your money back.

Q: Isn’t this a membership?

A: Yes, Secret Introvert’s Business did start out as a membership but that side has evolved to focus more on creating and nurturing a tight-knit community. I stand by this program and wanted to keep it, but the focus was too broad to keep adding to every month without creating overwhelm. Check out the Cozy Community Grow + Nurture Hub for more info on the membership.

Q: How much support is included?

A: You will join a community of Katherine’s paid clients and customers where there will be regular Q+As with written responses and a live Q+A every month. If you want more than that, please email hello(at)katherinemackenziesmith(dot)com

Q: I haven’t got an audience yet, is that ok?

A: It sure is. There are modules in the core content that will support you to get clarity and a plan to start and grow your business if you need them. 

100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee symbol

Money Back Guarantee

Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?

A: Yes absolutely! We swear by our training, so much so we offer a 7-day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.


Get Secret Introvert’s Business today.

Total Value = $660

Today’s Price = Only $67

One-time payment, 7-day money back guarantee

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