
“Katherine is a warm, engaging and enthusiastic coach who has the ability to make people feel completely at ease on one hand and inspired on the other.

She does this through through her own authentic presence and the innate desire she has within her for every person she works with to be their absolute best and achieve what they most want out of life.

Katherine will help you create a beautiful life in a way that feels real, tangible and connecting – and when it comes to working with a life coach there really isn’t much more that you could hope for than that!”

Julie Parker

CEO and Founder, Beautiful You Coaching Academy

“Katherine is quite simply amazing. After our coaching sessions I always feel refreshed, re-energised and ready to rock. Being a small business owner can be quite lonely at times and I have really enjoyed being able to not only verbalise my ideas, but gain clarity on what I need to do to bring them to life.

Unlike talking to a friend or family member, she understands exactly what it’s like to be in my position and knows what it takes to stretch to the next level. Where others see a stumbling block, she sees opportunity and it’s this thinking that has helped me have some very powerful breakthroughs.

Katherine is a shining light whose warmth, generosity and positivity is unwavering. I don’t stop smiling the whole the time we speak!

If you feel like your head is full of ‘stuff’ that you need to turn into action, Katherine is your girl. Contact her now!”

Jade McKenzie

Event Professional, Event Head Event Management

I have LOVED working with the amazing Katherine. In her uniquely sparkly, yet quiet, gentle way, she really gets to the heart of things, helping me find clarity, direction and the inner strength to keep moving forward.

Her insight has helped me to remember and listen to my heart and to trust my own inner wisdom.

No matter what your goals, Katherine has a way of breaking them down into achievable steps and never fails to point you in the direction of invaluable resources.

Brimming with a palpable self assured calmness  and such positive energy and enthusiasm, she is a truly incredible life coach; I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to work with her.

Sue Muller

Life and Business Coach, Smile Chickie

“When I started coaching with Katherine, I had been working full time for government for 7 years and after years of bureaucracy and requiring approval for everything, I found myself in a scary place when I considered owning my own life coaching business and being my own boss. I was really struggling with confidence – particularly amongst my peers. I was scared of putting myself out there and being seen, and I wanted to do something bigger and better with my life and career.

By the end of the first session, I knew that anything was possible. Katherine helped me set goals that I would never have been brave enough to set myself and I was pumped – I knew these things were going to happen for me.

Katherine really helped me overcome my fear, break through some massive internal barriers, increase my confidence, and step outside of my comfort zone for personal and business growth.  During my time with her, I developed and published a beautiful opt-in, built and published my website, was asked to speak at an event, got my first clients, made some amazing connections, and grew my newsletter list. Overcoming the confidence stuff means that my business has started to flow quickly.

Working with Katherine has been uplifting, inspiring, and liberating. I’ve noticed that I’ve been letting go, surrendering and being more relaxed about things that I would previously get anxious about.  I cannot articulate in words how much of an impact Katherine has had on my life.”

Naomi Arnold

Life Coach, Project Healthy Happy Me

“When I first connected with Katherine I had been blogging for 8 months and had been a qualified life coach for a couple of months. I was really struggling with putting myself out there, especially as a coach, and kept putting off launching my coaching services and sharing more of “me” online.

I didn’t have any expectations about coaching with Katherine, because expectations often lead to disappointment. However I went into our time together trusting that it would be exactly the experience I needed — and it was.

By the end of the first session I felt like Katherine really got me and understood who I was. I felt at ease and super inspired. She made me see myself in a different light and shared insights about the way I am that I had never realised before.

Since we began coaching, my friends and family have said that I seem so strong and grounded in what I’m doing and quietly confident forging my own path. The biggest change I’ve witnessed in myself is that I’m so much more comfortable being me and sharing that with the world.

Katherine has helped me own who I am.

This has also transformed my relationships as I have started communicating more about being introverted and what that means for me, and how everyone has unique energy, which has opened up a really beautiful dialogue with those in my life. This has made my life so much easier and I no longer feel the need to justify my needs or choices.

In our time together I launched my coaching packages, starting sharing more on my blog, newsletter, in interviews and on social media, published a new about me page that revealed a lot more about me and my story, and I also created and launched The 28 Day Gratitude Project. I feel so much more content with who I am and I have started FULLY embracing that my introverted energy, but also without hiding behind it, or using it as an excuse.

Even though I did all these things, the most incredible and powerful thing that happened was that I have found my own way to shine and because of our time together I know that I’m going to continue shining brighter and brighter in a way that feels good to me.

I feel like I can show up as myself and that it is enough.

I’m so incredibly grateful for our time together and for Katherine’s support, I cannot imagine feeling the way I do now without our time together, thank you to infinity and beyond!”

Chloe Wigan

Life Coach, One Infinite Life

“Upon first contacting Katherine, I knew that I needed to make forward steps relating to the setting up of my business online presence.  What was important to me was that I did not want to the online presence to be just another website with no connection to my being – I wanted it to be a celebration of the joy I felt for coaching, for people and as a shrine to my offering.

Even though I trusted myself to create something meaningful, I did not want to be confined to my self imposed rules. I wanted to grow, to open myself up to the experience of a coach like Katherine, who had such passion for the industry and was establishing a very strong niche – one that was of service to others and one that was born out of passion.

Working with Katherine, I learned that I could “read” my reactions and needs in term of being an introvert and, as such, I now have a lot more love for my behaviour patterns rather than fighting them or pretending they are not mine. In our coaching sessions, Katherine helped me to create a new path of permission for my heart to speak, to put the mind aside. My little, frightened heart grew in love and my mind was allowed the freedom of rest, letting go of total domination.  By allowing my heart to be visible, given acknowledgement has enabled me to feel more balanced in the every day.

From a business point of view my website is being created, I now have a “coming soon” page which is so far from the constraints of perfection but so warm and inviting. It feels like a soul’s home and as such there is nothing else I could wish for. My home page is now being finalised and I’m so much freer to trust my decisions, to just make things happen. I have created my business cards and have a few events that I plan to attend in order to be present in the world as the Illuminated Soul.

Katherine, I really wanted to thank you for taking this path with me, for helping me shape my goals and then come to terms with the real feelings behind my dreams. Thank you for allowing me to attach to ideas, without judgement, in order to weeks later realise that nothing is still and that it’s ok. Thank you for letting my heart speak, for hearing it above the loud noise of my mind.  This little heart of mine is now feeling treasured.

I would like to thank you for welcoming me each fortnight with a sincere smile, for being curious and open minded and for your giggles. And thank you for your insight, your knowledge, your learnings.

Thank you for being part of this very important moment. Thank you for connecting; thank you for being you.”

Olga Lukasiewicz

Life Coach, My Illuminated Soul

I decided to say yes to coaching when I realised that no matter how many self-help books I read, I was still feeling stuck and spinning my wheels. I was feeling quite lost, being very hard on myself, not looking after myself very well, and generally giving in to stress too often!

I hadn’t worked with a coach before and expected my coach would simply tell me what to do! Instead, coaching with Katherine was much more empowering because she guided me to make my own decisions and helped me to realise that I have much more to offer the world than I thought.

I really enjoyed my coaching series with Katherine. She is a lovely, approachable person who is truly interested in listening and guiding her clients to resolve their blocks and move forward.

The biggest change I have noticed is that I believe in myself more and this is helping me to make decisions around honouring myself, setting better boundaries, and pursuing my passions.

Even though we are different ages, and we have different life circumstances right now, I felt she truly understood me and met me where I was in my life.

Katherine is like the warm, treasured friend who you catch up with over coffee and laugh, cry and discover magic together.

I have moved a lot of mountains in the past few months, and working with Katherine certainly contributed to that beautiful progress.

Natalie Bartley

Editor and Coach, Stop Catching the Cat

Before my coaching series with Katherine, I was feeling aimless and not sure where to point myself. I didn’t really have the conviction that I could achieve the things I was dreaming of – or perhaps I just thought they were a bit silly or I was undeserving.

I’d never worked with a coach before and always had an impression that it was a bit of a bourgeois folly rather than a seriously practical practice. I didn’t really have any expectations but I certainly wasn’t expecting it to have any major impact on my life.

As soon as we started, I realised we were going to be serious about setting and achieving goals! It lit a fire in my belly and Katherine made me realise that if I harnessed this opportunity, I really could achieve some great things. I was exhilarated.

Now I have a beautiful clarity in my goals and I can see the steps I need to complete in order to get there. And the best part is I really believe I can do it now. My resilience has increased out of this world, which has always been something I’ve battled with all my life.

I always thought of life coaching as a bit of an indulgence, but coaching with Katherine will have far-reaching benefits for my business and my career. This is, by far, the best investment I have made in my financial future and it will pay for itself over and over again. The experience of having someone cheering me on and making me accountable in achieving my goals has kept me focused and motivated beyond anything I could achieve myself. Katherine, I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done for me.

If I had to sum coaching with Katherine up in three words, they would be: life changing brilliance.

Carolyn Tate

Writer, Champagne Cartel

Katherine is a fantastic life coach with a warm and relatable manner. She really helped me to see all I was achieving as I was starting my business, rather than only focussing on what I still wanted to do or make happen.

During my coaching series with Katherine I developed an opt in for my website, launched my life coaching business, and even secured my first paying client. Katherine’s unwavering support and belief in me, truly made me feel I could accomplish all I set out to.

I would have no hesitation recommending Katherine to any solopreneurs out there who need a bit of guidance and mentoring. I now have a greater level of self belief and clarity for my vision of my business, and there is a lot to be said for having someone cheering you on in your corner who has been exactly where you are.

Melissa Jeffcott

Life Coach, The Other Side of Forty

When I first stumbled across Katherine, I was going through a period of overwhelm and unbalance.  I felt like I wasn’t ‘quite’ at the place I wanted to be at and althoughI knew what I needed to do, I was finding it difficult to implement everything into day to day life.

I wanted to make healthier choices and maintain a sense of wellbeing on a more consistent basis. I was also at the start of setting up my own online coaching business and felt way out of my depth with no real insight into how I was going to make it happen.  I was looking for clarity and focus, as well as ongoing support just to ‘keep going’.I had done a  coaching program before that I had been really disappointed in, so, this time I really wanted to find the right coach.  By the end of my first session with Katherine I felt really encouraged that I had found someone that I could connect to so easily, someone who was easy to chat to and you provided the right mix of listening and guidance.  I felt like I had finally found the right person for me in terms of coaching.

The biggest change over the last six months has probably been within myself. Working with Katherine, I am more aware of when I am beginning to become anxious about things/life and am more conscious of taking the time to slow things down.  I have better strategies to overcome the sense of overwhelm that I sometimes feel.  And I have been slowly beginning to implement more self-care into my life without feeling selfish or guilty for doing so.

I really enjoyed my coaching experience with Katherine and I can look back and see the difference our talks have had on changing my life, and myself, for the better.  I would be happy to recommend her to anyone looking for a coach.

Nicola Judkins

Physiotherapist and Coach, Reclaiming Strength

When I started coaching with Katherine I was struggling with keeping myself soulful and centered everyday; I would fall off and get back on the wagon, without consistency. I was also struggling with my life coaching business in terms of my ideal client and branding my website, and I was trying to launch something I was proud of and felt connected to.

I choose to work with Katherine because her website immediately struck me and her initial emails made me feel comfortable and excited to start! I’ve never worked with a coach before and I really didn’t know what to expect, but at the end of the first call I was amazed at how a coaching session worked and how amazing I felt after! I felt like I was moving towards my goal right away and couldn’t wait to continue.

You don’t know what life coaching is from the outside until you’re sitting its glorious, rocking presence. My boyfriend saw the shifts and changes daily and couldn’t be happier that I’m so damn happy! By the end of the last call with Katherine I had relaunched my website and had finally narrowed down my ideal client. It took a smart, creative, goal navigator like Katherine to help me get to where I am today!

I’ve noticed a huge change in myself. I feel more confident in who I am as a person and as a business owner. Katherine seriously rocked my soul. I feel like we had an immediate connection and I was instantly sad when we ended our last call! Katherine unstuck every part of me that felt like cement by asking questions and pushing me to reach my “ah ha” moment. I couldn’t have gotten to the feel good place I am now without her!

Kelly Misbin

Life Coach, Kelly Misbin

When I started coaching with Katherine I was struggling a lot with confidence and clarity around my business. I knew what I was here for but was struggling to own it and step into my full potential. I really resonated with her message and knew she could help me with accountability, encouragement and acting as a sounding board for my ideas and thoughts for the future direction of my business.I was excited and a little bit nervous to get started, but knew from the first session that I would be supported in achieving my goals.

Through my coaching series with Katherine I felt empowered, inspired, and supported and have more confidence, self belief, and a better relationship with myself and others than I did before.

Thank you, Katherine, for reminding me of my dreams and the uniqueness of my niche when I started doubting I could do this!

Chelsea Antman

Life Coach, New Paradigm Collective

I am a big believer in coaching. I instantly knew that Katherine was the coach for me.  Through her online presence, I felt I could tell her anything and, by the end of the first session, I already felt changes in my self acceptance, who I am and how I can harness positive energy by understanding myself more.

After working with Katherine, I believe in myself even more now.

I can have my own online business and be successful. If you would to ask me before, I would think myself unworthy! I think nothing really changes until we get in the core of what’s the burning issue that is blocking me to my success.

I loved coaching with Katherine, she is a gentle soul and Im so lucky to have found her.”

Lyn Myers

Life Coach, All My Great Quirks

Katherine is one of those amazing coaches that instantly make you feel at home and comfortable in her presence.

In the midst of a tumultuous time in my life within one hour-long session I had revealed more of my true feelings with Katherine then I had ever shared with some of my closest friends and family.

Through her direct but gentle questioning, Katherine quickly led me to an A-HA moment and helped me cut through the stories I’d been telling myself to get to the heart of the issue.

If you’re ready to move forward in your life and create real change with an inspiring and intuitive guide – Katherine is the coach for you!

Amy Croxon

Coach, Amy Croxon

When I first connected with Katherine I was training as a coach and struggling with getting things organised to begin a new coaching business. From our first mentoring session together, I felt that someone was definitely there to support me and help me on my journey.

Working with Katherine was refreshing and taught me a lot about how I want to ‘show up’ in the world, take a step back and not stress so much about minor details.

Casey Featon

Life Coach, Casey Featon

Katherine has been a great inspiration to me. She has taught to me to dream big but set realistic and achievable goals.

She constantly reminds me that anything is possible if you believe (and checking on me to make sure I am on track with my goals). Most importantly, enjoying the little things in life, which I think many of us fail to practise these days.

Whenever I’m stuck, I know I can talk to Katherine and she will help me work out a plan to move forward with.

It can be so helpful just to have someone to bounce ideas off, but Katherine goes that step further to help build on those ideas and get moving with them.

Adeline Er

Blogger and Personal Trainer, Eat This Burn That

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