well, hi there

“just because you’re quiet, doesn’t mean you’re not a force to be reckoned with…”


And, if you’re here, my guess is that somewhere – even if it’s deep, d e e e e p down – you know that.

Hi I’m Katherine and I’m an intuitive business strategist and leadership coach, an ideas alchemist, Energy & Soul Practitioner, writer, and speaker championing quiet, sensitive souls to find their own way to shine.

I’m on a mission to help as many gentle leaders as possible reconnect with who they really are, understand their energy, and make a meaningful contribution to the world.

It’s time. And it’s definitely YOUR time (no more hiding).

how do I know?

My passion comes from being there myself. A highly sensitive, creative, overachieving introvert who always thought there was something wrong with my intuitive nature and super sensitive side. Always doubting, comparing, getting in my own way, scared of shining brightly but also afraid of never being seen. But I’ve come out the other side with an unwavering belief that if I can do it, anyone can. 


// Letting myself be pushed around emotionally from the age of four in an attempt to fit in and not be socially outcast. And believing this was the only way to be accepted, to have friends, to avoid criticism (it wasn’t).

// Spending my school years shrinking down and hiding behind protective masks, such as: the funny friend, the good girl, the wallflower, the smart girl – and holding on to these identities well into my 20s

// Being dumped once for ‘being too quiet’ and another time for my extroverted bestie, and wondering if anyone would ever love me for me (guess what, it’s possible).

// Always putting the oxygen mask on others before myself, and then wondering why I couldn’t breathe, was overwhelmed, or just completely worn out.

// Successfully landing my ‘dream job’ only to get let go six months later for ‘not being outgoing’ enough.

// Another seven years of wearing myself out in the extroverted TV industry,  working my butt off and being told I was doing an excellent job. And then being passed over for roles I was more than capable of doing, being told they ‘didn’t suit my personality’.

// At the same time, finding a love of blogging and connecting with a new community of people that then led to discovering Beautiful You Coaching Academy, kinesiology, and some life changing friends and communities.

// And, a few years later, working as a coach, and discovering that my deeply sensitive nature was attracting other amazing introverts. A pattern was forming and, with that, an extreme passion to help these quiet souls better understand themselves and live in their own beautiful way.

everything started to change

In true introverted style, I’ve been able to piece together the patterns in my head and, the second I saw them, I couldn’t un-see them. It was a lightbulb moment of uncomfortable and awkward life stories that led me to this point.

Understanding that it’s okay to be quiet. To love reading and spending time alone. To need time out from people to re-energise.

Accepting that being sensitive is not a weakness. And that boundaries are a non-negotiable.

Realising that I have abilities and strengths that might look different to others, but that this is not a race to some metaphorical finish line. That my alignment and energy are my #1 focus and priority (yep, even above strategy and sales).

And that the long-held beliefs weren’t true. They were, in fact, completely changeable.

Over the years, I’ve been able to use my personal transformation to help other extraordinary introverts get to understand their unique personality and energy as well. I’ve seen them launch businesses, change careers, find love, become more confident, and see that they are capable of finding success on their terms.

My experience working in television has given me a unique understanding that everyone has a story, you just have to find it.  Uncovering those stories we all tell ourselves is the first part. Writing a new story that powerfully moves a person forward on a different trajectory is the second part.

The thing I know for sure is that – up until now – you might have thought that you are too quiet, shy, or introverted to be successful. That success looks a certain way, and that is with those dazzling beacons of light we commonly know as extroverts.

What I hope for you is that you can see that there are many kinds of light that all serve a purpose and are no more or less effective. They’re just different. And when you find your light, and really honour that, you will be unstoppable.

The secret, I’ve discovered, is finding something you’re so passionate and excited about, that you can’t stay quiet any longer.

+ Tap into that and you will be unstoppable.

+ Create a business that aligns with your strengths and your personality. 

+ Cut through the noise with your message and your mission that speaks volumes (so that you don’t have to).

+ Connect with the people who need to hear what you have to say.

Understanding your introverted nature and the energetics of you and your soul work is THE difference.

No one talks about it but all those made-for-the-masses courses that you love are a one-size-fits-all format and you, my friend, don’t fit that mould.

I have dedicated the past 3 years to understanding energy on a much deeper level, and so I’m not only here to support you with my 10+ years of business experience, but also my expertise as a student and visionary of energy mastery.

Want to know more about how we can work together? Let’s grab a cuppa and have a D&M, shall we?

emerge and expand

Since discovering my passion for helping quiet, sensitive souls shine in their own way AND understanding the energies of possibilities and soul work, I’ve created my own blueprint for emerging and expanding my business in a gentle way.

It’s not just about making six figures and being fully booked. There’s no one-size-fits-all success formula.

But, in your own quiet way, it’s about creating a business of meaning, purpose, alignment, and sustainability.

It’s about standing out from the crowd and embracing your uniqueness, trusting that when you show up for the energy of your work, your people will find you (even when that feels scary and lonely).

Making this work in my own business has led to:

  • Working full time as a coach with consistent clients and incredible results
  • Being one of the first Beautiful You Coaching Academy trainers
  • Being named a ‘self help guru’ in Elle Magazine and a ‘champion of introverted leaders’ by leaders in the coaching industry
  • Being featured on the cover of Happiness and Wellbeing magazine and Inspired Coach Magazine.
  • Being invited as a speaker at Inspiration Days, Wellness events, workplaces, and community meet ups – sharing my experience as an introvert and highly sensitive woman in business.
  • I’ve been invited to write a series of articles for Collective Hub about introverts in business and featured as a guest expert in programs including Jade McKenzie’s Workshop Wonderful and Iterate Social’s Quietly Unstoppable.
  • I’ve launched a podcast called The League of Extraordinary Introverts, with guests such as Denise Duffield-Thomas, Sharyn Holmes, Leesa Renee Hall, and Debbie Tung of Quiet Girl in a Noisy World.
  • Being voted one of the Top 100 sites for Solopreneurs 2 years running.
  • Training as an Energy and Soul Medicine Practitioner in 2018.
  • I’ve been interviewed on podcasts including The Introvert Entrepreneur, Seeker’s Sanctuary, and The Introvert Biz Growth Podcast.
  • Writing and launching two my first eBook, Shhh…An Introvert’s Guide To Creating An Exceptionally Beautiful Life and my first eCourse, The Introvert Effect.
  • Helped my partner build a 7 figure business (while I took a step back from my business to re-evaluate how I could better use my energy to build a sustainable business).

And, more recently:

  • Becoming obsessed with alignment, potency, equity, and sustainability in business and leadership.
  • I created The Content Ecosystem because I was sick of treating my ideas and my creativity as though they were disposable.
  • And Emerge and Expand evolved from seeing so many lifelong learners hopping from one course or certification to another, often from not feeling confident or supported to put their incredible talents and soul work into action.

The incredible souls I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the years to create success on their terms astounds me even now when I look at how far they’ve come.

Oh and I’ve had the most fun and connected with some of the most amazing people ever, as well as having some incredible opportunities to share my work with the world.


Now that I’ve seen what it takes to do this in my own business, I’m excited and passionate to support sensitive souls like you get clear on what you have to offer the world to stand out as a leader in your industry and how you can use that to build momentum in your own business.

Are you ready to go deeper than ever before? To finally claim the soul work that you’re here to do and step into your leadership as a sensitive soul? START HERE with my free Step Into Your Soul Work activation and workbook.

If you’re looking to go deeper and create a business that is not just supportive of your soul work, but also in alignment with who you are, my 1:1 mentoring program, Elevate is for you.

If you’re ready to start building a sustainable, you-friendly business, you might like to start with my Content Ecosystem. Make the most of your ideas and get them seen and heard by the people who need to hear from you.

Looking for an experienced speaker or podcast guest? Please contact me directly.

If you’re curious about becoming a coach and creating your own coaching business, you can read more about my personal experience with the Beautiful You Coaching Academy here.

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In the Myer’s Briggs test, I’m an INFJ (introverted feeling and extroverted feeling) that, for a long time, I didn’t really understand or want to associate with. Until I realised that embracing myself meant deeply leaning in to my inherent nature.

:: I’m also a Pisces with Cancer Rising and Scorpio Moon (I’m collecting the whole set of sensitive, water signs). I’m a Projector in the Human Design, and my Love Languages is ‘Quality Time’.

:: I’ll take coffee over a green smoothie pretty much every day of the week. 

:: I come from a long line of book hoarders. And movie lovers. We are geeks, and proud of it.

:: I am a connector of dots and a collector of stories. I see patterns in what people say and do.

:: I’m an Internationally certified Beautiful You Coach and certified Energy and Soul Medicine Practitioner. I also have a Bachelor of Mass Communications (I’m literally a qualified communicator). 

:: I’m addicted to stationery. 

:: Binaries? Don’t do ’em. Not just in business but in everything (oh yeah, my pronouns are she/they btw).

:: I’m all about taste testing a bunch of different things and combining the elements to form something that sets my heart on fire. 

:: I love reading, meditation and journaling, but I also love coffee and binge watching good TV shows and staying up late.

:: My love of TV and movies appears all over the place. Take The League of Extraordinary Introverts, for example.

:: I live in Brisbane, Australia and acknowledge the Quandamooka Peoples, the traditional custodians of the land that I live, learn, work, and play on. I am committed to creating a meaningful impact on the world and doing my part to create a more inclusive and fair world (you can find more on my Social Impact, Ethics, and Inclusion Policy here).

where to from here

That depends a good deal where you want to get to (said the Cheshire Cat). Not sure? Let chat. Shoot me an email with your questions or book in a complimentary discovery call.