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It’s Time To Stop Playing Small


In the interest of being completely open and authentic with you, I had to share this piece of free writing I did less than four months ago. I actually forgot about it and just stumbled upon it and instantly thought, ‘wow, I have to share this with the tribe (i.e you)’.

This is not how I feel now (phew!) but, on the off chance that you’ve found yourself struggling on the cusp of taking a big giant leap in your life, I want you to know that you aren’t alone.

You’ll get through this.


” I’ve been struggling a lot lately with the idea of turning my blog and my love of talking to people into a successful business that supports me. I can’t pinpoint it exactly.

It just seems impossible and unrealistic that I could actually get paid to coach people or sell something I’ve written. My following is small, I’m sure barely anyone reads my blog, and I feel like I need more to be able to do it.


Be okay with where you are now.

Think abundant thoughts.

Focus more on what you offer and less on what you don’t have.

In the words of Denise Duffield-Thomas, ‘I forgive you. I’m sorry for thinking that. I love you.’

What if you could actually do this? What if, despite your fears and reservations, your minor distrust, your doubt that surely people don’t pay for this stuff, you actually did it.

You proved yourself wrong.

You say it all the time, you’re a kick ass goal setter. You trust that you can dream big and your heart, mind, and the Universe will go to work to help you get it.

Why don’t you trust this? Why aren’t you sure? What is it that’s holding you back? The chance that you might actually be happy? That you might make a shit tonne of money? That you might prove yourself wrong and actually be as extraordinary as people seem to think you are?

None of those things are a good enough reason to play small.

You look around and see all these women doing things you would absolutely love to do. Having what you want to have, living how you want to live. What makes them special and not you? Nothing. Except they are out there doing it and you are cowering behind the couch, scared of the dark, like you were when you were a little kid.

Put yourself out there.

People will respect your courage. Be inspired by your guts. And the people you are meant to help will find you. But not if they have no way of knowing where you are.

You can do this. Everyone special in your life believes it. They support you and say incredible things  about you that they don’t even need to. They’re not being paid, there’s nothing in it for them. When will you start to believe it.

When will you start to live big and realise that you deserve everything you most want in life?”


Now, I’d like to tell you that as soon as I dumped this out onto a page, I was miraculously healed of self doubt, fear, playing small, limiting beliefs, a lack mentality and all the other fun stuff that  comes with dream chasing and, well, life in general.

Having said that…when I really think about it, that’s exactly what happened. Sure, it took some work (and by some, I mean a lot) but I can honestly say that I think this was the turning point in my thinking.

The difference?

I wrote it down.

I ‘said it out loud’

I acknowledged within myself that there was fear there and although I didn’t think I knew what it was, I did really. I just had to force it out and, the minute I did, I knew I was on the path to finally getting over playing small and really realising that my big dreams were real, valid, and absolutely possible.

This, I believe, was the point where I’d already jumped and all the last minute crap was coming up to freak me out.

In less than four months, I have a business, I work for myself, and every day I get to help women stop playing small and live a life they love.

This is not overnight success, I can assure you, but it is what I like to think of as a marker. A moment in time that can be pinpointed as the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

The mindset shift.

The final push.

And I’m sharing it with you today because I know that you are on the precipice (or pretty damn close) and it might feel pretty unpleasant right now. But your life is about to change.

So, my dear friend, my question to you today is, where in your life are you playing small? Where are you letting fear hold you back and what can you do to start getting over that, stat!?

If you need to write it down, do it. If you need to say it out loud, do it. Or if you need to talk to someone who is completely objective and will tell  you it’s time to move on, do it (and by do it, I mean, send me an email, your gorgeous thing, I will more than happily tell you that!)

You’ve got this.

Acknowledging it is the first step.

I would love, love, love to hear from you below OR if you know someone who could benefit from reading someone else’s crazy playing small talk, please share or send this onto them.

Thank you for reading my story and for being a part of my journey. Your presence here means more to me than you can know.


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  1. Nicole Perhne

    I love this post Katherine. I’m all for authenticity and vulnerability and this article is both of those qualities. I admire you putting yourself out there and I am also so happy for you that you have come out the other side of fear and are in the flow of creativity, abundance and joy now. x

  2. Tana

    Thank you for posting this…I am new to your site and I am always further inspired when I am reassured that everyone has to start somewhere!

    • Katherine - The Beauty Of Life

      That is such a good point, @disqus_jxI0Yoi5jh:disqus! It’s so easy to sit and look at the success of others, but we don’t know about the full story behind that success! Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Sarah

    O.M.G. Ah-mazing. It’s like you were reading my mind. Thank you. Thank you so much. xx

    • Katherine - The Beauty Of Life

      Wow, Sarah, I’m so glad that it helped you! Let me know how you go with writing it down or saying it out loud!



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